
Purchasing Property Is Always a Significant Decision

Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or looking for a vacation home, purchasing property is always a significant and time-consuming decision that can lead to stress. The following guide will offer insight into how Heather Fordham conducts business and the many services she provides and guarantees to her buyers and investors so they can prepare ahead of time. The goal is to assist you in simplifying the process and understanding the various elements, 

It does not matter if you are a luxury buyer or not. Heather provides the same level of care and exceptional service to every single person regardless. What sets Heather apart is her educational approach. She takes the time and resources to educate each client on how the entire buying process works from start to finish, in addition to understanding the exit strategy for long-term planning.


Heather Tailors Her Personalized Approach

Part of finding your ideal home entails narrowing down the search window by considering a few critical things before you start looking. It will help point you in the right direction if you have a specific idea in mind of what kind of house you want to live in and the location. Heather tailors her personalized approach to identify what her buyer both needs and wants in the property and what they want this property to do for them as an asset.

Consider The Following:

  • Budget –– You’ll need to get pre-approved by a qualified lender to determine what size mortgage you qualify for and how much you can afford.
  • Neighborhood –– It’s important to know what kind of neighborhood you want to live in beforehand. 
  • Features –– What qualities are you looking for in a home?

An Intimate Introduction


Through Heather and her extensive knowledge about the market, you will be privy to other special opportunities available in growth areas, in addition to an intimate introduction to the neighborhood you are considering.  An intimate introduction entails looking into the local schools, amenities, nearby entertainment, commute times, parking, and more. 

Here are just a few of the assets Heather brings to the table:

  • A great and effective communicator
  • Insight into the business that comes from decades of experience living in the area
  • Education
  • Comprehensive approach
  • Personalized plan for both long term and short term goals

As a licensed insurance professional, Heather also provides additional knowledge about how to safeguard this monumental purchase. Homebuyers do not always consider the importance of homeowner’s insurance until it’s too late and the property has already sustained damage. Having the right coverage can make a huge difference when it comes to having financial security. Considering that a house is one of the biggest investments you will make in your lifetime, ensuring your asset is protected is essential. 

Since the insurance process has many nuances and complexities, it helps to have a licensed professional who knows the different types of coverage and best insurers. Heather can give you information that you won’t find elsewhere to ensure you’re receiving the best coverage. Never underestimate the importance of protecting your assets.

Heather’s support does not end just because the deal is closed. Even after you’ve officially become a new homeowner, Heather will continue to provide support in any way that you need, including property tax dispute assistance, vendor referrals, and recommendations, ongoing advice, and insight.

If you are ready to start your home buying journey today, contact Heather Fordham to start the next phase of the process.

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New Heights Group delivers outstanding service, personal attention, and results to grateful clients. Contact them today!

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